Study Map


The word "geometry" comes from the ancient Greek for "earth measurement." Geometry is about understanding the shape, size, and position of things in the world. While you're studying this subject, you learn about where things are and how to describe them. Some of the most important ideas in geometry that will help you as you move into higher grades are measurement, shapes, lines and angles, and perimeter and area. Measurement tells you how long, wide, or heavy something is. You might use centimeters, inches, feet, or other units. The study of shapes includes 2D and 3D figures. Two-dimensional, or 2D, shapes are flat. They are the pictures you draw on a sheet of paper. Three-dimensional, or 3D, shapes have a width, length, and height. They are part of the world around you. Lines and angles help you understand shapes and direction. Perimeter and area attach numbers to the sizes of shapes: Perimeter shows how big the outside of something is, telling you how long of a string you would need to wrap tightly around the shape, and area finds out how much space it takes up, like how many little squares you can fit in a shape. The activities below can give you plenty of practice solving math problems about these ideas. You'll measure and weigh packages at a post office, sort flat 2D and solid 3D shapes, build robots by calculating the perimeter of different shapes, and more!